Sunday, June 23, 2013

Aquaponics Versus the Soil Based Garden

When you consider aquaponics versus the soil based garden it is important to understand the process that is taking place in both systems.

There is a natural process found in rivers, lakes and streams that you can duplicate in your backyard, garage or basement but on a much smaller scale called bio-filtration. It is nature's way of recycling waste from fish into useable nutrient for plant life. Armed with that information you can create your own aquaponics bio filtration system using basic hardware store materials, some plants and fish.

To draw a parallel it would be very similar to the practice of composting organic material that you would use in a soil based garden, the major difference between aquaponics versus the soil based garden is you are not using soil. This can be a huge advantage for the urban gardener who would like to have a vegetable or herb garden but lacks the space or access to soil.

The process that the organic gardener relies on with their compost pile can be compared to the aquaponics process the difference being aquaponics is in water. A major advantage of this type of system is you can raise fish and plants at the same time! Yet another advantage of this type of system is that you can set up a system on any scale. From a small table top system or a commercial system covering several acres.

When you look at an aquaponics versus the soil based garden two major features come into play, first there are no soil pests to worry about and second you don't have to pull any weeds. This does not mean that there are no redeeming qualities from owning a soil based garden far from it. Many gardeners enjoy tilling the soil and tending to their gardens, it is excellent therapy and can be very relaxing. But for the individual that may not have access to soil or does not have the time to maintain a soil based garden then an aqauponics garden is ideal. Both ways it can be done organically and that is the best way by far!

Before engaging in an aquaponics system it would be beneficial to invest in a guide to get a better understanding of the requirements and the process, so that you are fully aware of what will be required on your part.

Does the idea of creating an aquaponic system appeal to you? Then don't delay get started today!

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