Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Five Essential Expert Tips For Aquaponics At Home

Aquaponics systems at home can be an easy and fun thing to do, and if you aware of all the advantages no wonder you're thinking of having one in your home or backyard. Setting up an aquaponics system is a fairly easy thing to do, but there are some essentials facts you want to know before installing it.
I gathered here five absolutely essential expert tips for creating a successful and balanced system that will serve you for years to come.
1. Aquaponics System Location
One of the most important things for aqauponics system in order for it to flourish is location. That will determine the conditions for your system and you want to follow a few basic guidelines to get the best out of your home gardening. Because aquaponics system is a symbiosis of two biological systems you want to make sure that you are benefiting both the fish and the plants. That is why you want to place your system in a location that is rich with sunlight, that will provide plenty of light for your plants to grow well.
The second thing which is important for the health of your fish and plants is the temperature, you don't want it to be too hot or too cold. Extreme temperature can be very harmful to your fish and your plants. So you want to protect them from extreme weather conditions like wind and rain.
When choosing a location for aquaponics systems you want to make sure there are no chemicals nearby, if chemical will leak into your holding tanks, that will be the end of your system.
2. Oxygenate the water
Oxygen is extremely important for the functionality of your aquaponics system; you want to make sure that your fish getting enough air on a regular basis. On top of the fact that fish need oxygen to survive in close environment, oxygen in the water will activate bacteria that will help transform the ammonia that in the water (from the waste of the fish) to a necessary nutrients for your plants to grow (plant food).
3. Choosing your fish for aquaponics
Aquaponics system gives you a freedom when it comes to choosing your fish. You can raise almost any type of fish you want, from tilapia to koi fish. If you choose your fish as a food or as a decoration for your home is for you to decide. Just keep in mind that different states have different regulations and you want to make sure you raising fish that are allowed in your state and are legal to grow at home.
4. Growing pots
It can take a few months for an aquaponics system to reach a level of optimization in order for you to be able to start and plants seeds, the time it will take for the system to balance depends upon many factors, and there are ways to accelerate this process. When the level of nourishing substances in the water will reach an optimal level you can start placing you growing pots. Comfort is bliss, and I will recommend placing the growing pots in your waist level, that will make the daily maintenance a much easier task
5. Additives
In aquaponics the plants receive all the nutrients for their growth from the fish excrete and for the most cases it's enough, if the level of nutrients in the water is low, you can supply your plants with extra boost of nutrients substances. You can add Iron, Calcium carbonate or potassium carbonate and that will resolve the issue. It is always best to have a good balance between the amount of fish in the tank and the amount of growing plants for better results.
Aquaponics systems at home is easy and convenient and is the best way to provide your family with fresh fruits and vegetables on one hand and fresh clean fish on the other, it can make the task of gardening a fun family activity.

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